Saturday, November 30, 2019

The reasons we as Americans buy on credit varies, Essay Example For Students

The reasons we as Americans buy on credit varies, Essay but without it most of us would probably never be able to purchase necessities such as a home or automobile. The nations economy depends on credit, and the promise to pay later for goods and services used today; but along with consumer credit had come consumer debt. With the rise in telemarketing and commercializing in America it is no wonder why Americans feel the impulse to buy now, pay later. The most common form of consumer debt is installment debt, which is when a consumer borrows the money to purchase an item and agrees to repay the loan in equal installments over a fixed period of time. We will write a custom essay on The reasons we as Americans buy on credit varies, specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Without installment debt most consumers could not afford to purchase items such as a home. The truth of the matter is that we, as Americans, tend to want to purchase more than we can afford to purchase when we want it. But, we can afford to pay it out, over time, in fixed payments. Mortgages, a debt owed on real property, are the latest form of installment debt. Other forms include automobile loans and credit card purchases. Just pick up the newspaper any time after Christmas and you will find articles on managing your mounting debt from Christmas. Not realizing the extent of the consumers debt is one of the most common types of credit problems. Denial may play a partial role in this problem, but the lack of education seems to be the largest reason for consumer debt. Credit card use is up 20% and a large number of Americans do not know the percentage rate at which the credit card companies charge. Many credit card companies have started personalizing interest rates by not disclosing the interest rate until after the consumer has received the card. By not disclosing the interest rate on the application the credit card companies prohibit the consumer from shopping around for the best deal. You could just say they should cancel the credit card, but did you know several requests for consumer credit could be viewed negatively because the information is reported to the credit bureaus? This leaves you, the consumer, with a bad credit report. Household debt and bankruptcy are at record levels and appear to be on the rise. Until we as consumers begin to educate ourselves and stop living beyond our means, we only have ourselves to blame. In conclusion, although consumers are not forced to buy, most feel compelled to purchase goods and services because they need them and do not want to wait. Rather than saving they go into debt, the most common of which is installment debt. Bibliography 1. Miller, R. L., Economics: Today and Tomorrow, Hesterville, Ohio; Glencoe-McGraw Hill, 19952. Major Growing Pains U.S. News and World Report (Oct. 21, 1996) Pg. 62-643. Whats the Rate? They Wont Say. U.S. News and World Report (Aug. 19, 1996) pg.614. Lee, Susan Susan Lees ABZs of Economics New York; Poseidon Press, 1987

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Extended Marketing Mix Essays

Extended Marketing Mix Essays Extended Marketing Mix Essay Extended Marketing Mix Essay Essay Topic: Extended Launched on 3rd of October 2009 by the McLaren’s Group which has been a name with great passion towards betterment of motor athleticss in Sri Lanka. Speed Drome ( Pvt ) Ltd. is every Pro/Go-karter’s Eden on Earth. Located amidst green grazing land in close propinquity to the parliament composite and Buddhadasa play land in Battaramulla. Speedrome is a to the full equipped and professionally fitted race path which includes 19 go-karts. computerized timing and hiting systems. professionally trained staff. designated witness countries and air-conditioned VIP gallery. all for the interest of supplying their clients with the best experience that they can offer. Go-karting may be Speed Drome’s chief merchandise but they haven’t stopped at that place every bit far as the amusement facet is concerned. with a athleticss saloon and a epicurean sofa. These two extra services are provided for clients to host parties or any corporate events. Speed Drome besides has taken an enterprise in supplying a swimming pool to provide to spoting corporate executives and high profile life styles. As for the small childs. Speed Drome has taken the autonomy of making a kiddies race path every bit good. To set it merely. Speed Drome purposes to be non merely an attractive force for Pro/Go-kart lovers everyplace but besides to supply the full household with leisure activities and amusement. Speed Drome has gained much popularity of all time since its launch. with an exhibition kart race in which the engagement of Yoshitha Rajapaksa. Aravinda De Silva the former cricketer who is a acute fan of motor autos along with the lady race driver S. A. Lakshika and Jackson Anthony were noted. Karting titles such as Speed Drome All Island Karting Championship Rounds 1-3 show off precisely what Speed Drome is all about every bit many professional expression one drivers take portion in these competitions exhibiting the existent accomplishment involved in Go/Pro-karting. while pulling even more possible clients and taking to other karting titles. Finally the major plus point for Speed Drome is the fact that it is the 1 and merely Go/Pro-Karting installation in Sri Lanka as yet and with its added assets Speed Drome’s hereafter seems really fruitful with all the necessary criterions being maintained. The Extended Marketing mix 1. Merchandise In a service organisation. the merchandise is referred to the service being delivered to the consumer which is intangible. inseparable. variable and perishable. The velocity Drome ( Pvt ) Ltd. ( Appendix 1 ) offers a assortment of services which can be explained in footings of amusement. leisure and experience. Their chief focal point is on supplying their clients with the experience of existent Pro-Kart racing ( Appendix 2 ) and in add-on to that other amusement and leisure services are besides provided such as the Kiddies path. ( Appendix 3 ) the athleticss saloon ( Appendix 4 ) and the swimming pool ( Appendix 5 ) along with the Epicurean Lounge ( Appendix 6 ) . The nature of the service in footings of: Intangibility: True services are intangible. Therefore when you leave Speed Drome there is merely one memory or the experience that remains. which is siting a pro-kart at the lone available topographic point in Sri Lanka. Some elements are touchable such as the karts used. the swim pool etc. . but the nucleus benefit of the purchase is non. and that is the sheer experience of siting a pro-kart and experiencing its velocity. Inseparability: The service provided by Speed Drome is inseparable as the physical presence of a client is indispensable in this service. However. with the aid of its physical resources the overall service takes topographic point when merely the consumer that is the individual interested in siting a pro-kart meets the service supplier. Perishability: Karting or any other service provided by the company must be consumed when offered. It can non be produced now for ingestion at a ulterior phase / clip nor can they be held or stocked because the value of this service exists at the point when it is required. Variability: This service is extremely variable because Speed Drome is the lone service supplier for kart racing in Sri Lanka presently. It has its really ain standardized quality which can non be competed with another signifier of amusement service. as it provides a unique and an uncomparable experience. The above mentioned features define the services they provide which attract childs and veteran drivers likewise. 2. Monetary value Pricing is one of the most of import selling mix determinations and it is the lone selling mix variable that generates grosss. Speed Drome ( Pvt ) Ltd. is a net income and cost oriented organisation. Their chief aims are to: * Maximize their net incomes. * Achieve a mark return on investing. * Recover investing costs over a peculiar clip period And to. * Generate volume so as to drive down costs. Speed Drome doesn’t pursue the position quo or gross revenues oriented aims as it is the lone organisation specializes in this certain industry in Sri Lanka. Due to the same ground Speed Drome follows the monetary value planing scheme. Their monetary values for all the services are comparatively high ( even though they don’t have rivals in the same industry ) compared to the other amusement signifiers in the market. This is due to the service quality. image and to forestall rivals enter the market easy. The followers are the current monetary values attached to the services being provided by Speed Drome: * Pro-Karting/ Go-Karting ( 10 proceedingss ) – Rs. 750 * Happy Hours Karting ( every Tuesday 3pm-8pm ) – Rs. 500 * Swimming pool charges ( limitless ) per individual – Rs. 450 * Membership Benefits: * Membership free Rs. 15000 * Rs. 750 tickets for Rs. 500 * Kart trainer sum Rs. 1500 for Rs. 1000 * Members can utilize pool free. extra invitee with members charged merely Rs. 250 each * 10 % price reduction for corporate bundle with to the full usage of pool and amusement country. Additionally the race fees. particular event fees and developing programme fees are charged. 3. Topographic point The topographic point portion of the selling mix is where the client receives the service or where the service is located. Speed Drome is Located in close propinquity to the Parliament Complex and Bhuddhadasa Play Ground. in Battaramulla. It has situated itself around major metropoliss such as Colombo. Rajagiriya. Nugegoda and Pitakotte which are all extremely residential countries have all been thought out really carefully by Speed Drome direction prior to building. This is to hike their mark market which is fundamentally the upper category of community because although the cost for siting a Go-Kart ( which is something really rare to make in Sri Lanka ) seems sensible every bit far as the cost for keeping the Karts and equipment needed spell. Unfortunately though for the bulk of Sri Lankan’s the monetary value to pay for such an experience is extremely unreasonable. The country in which the Arena ( or installation ) has been built on is highly big and compliments the Track really good and to add to this the exuberant scenery environing the Speed Drome gives this path a alone feel to it. Speed Dome’s location has one more major benefit which is that it’s merely a thrust off non merely from the metropoliss environing it but besides from other major metropoliss in the territory like Colombo and Dehiwala etc. Over all the determination to construct Speed Drome where it is an highly good thought and strategic move which has shown and is yet to maintain delivery in consequences. 4. Promotion Promotions have become a critical factor in the service selling mix. Servicess are easy to be duplicated and hence it is by and large the trade name which sets a service apart from its opposite number. As mentioned under the subject Place’ Speed Drome’s selling mix Carters to a selected section. which is known as Niche selling. Its service is all about supplying amusement for those who desire the need for speed’ . What better manner to pass on about this sheer experience which can be gained at merely one topographic point in Sri Lanka other than advancing the service? The obvious competitory advantages Speed Drome possesses are: * Service Differentiation The lone installation that provides karting experience in Sri Lanka. * Image Differentiation Karts which are merely available at Speed Drome in Sri Lanka and the unique logo itself separate the service provided. How Speed Drome gets through to the client The chief aim of Speed Drome is to do the possible clients good cognizant about their new service. Hence the undermentioned methods are chiefly used to advance their service- * Weekly offered particular karting hours * Happy Hours’ Every Tuesday from 3pm-8pm ( Rs. 750 tickets at Rs. 500 ) ( Appendix 7 ) * Karting competitions * Thank God its Race Day Competition ( Appendix 8 ) * All Island Karting Championship ( Appendix 9. 10 ) * Exhibition kart races of famous persons ( Appendix 11 ) * Publications * News Paper advertizements Ex-husbands: Daily Mirror. Sunday Times. Sunday Observer * Magazines Ex-husbands: Thingss to make in Colombo. Esteem. Hi etc. * Online Ad * Social web groups Ex-husband: The official Facebook Group with latest updates. Twitter etc.

Friday, November 22, 2019

1979 Seizure of the Grand Mosque in Mecca

1979 Seizure of the Grand Mosque in Mecca The seizure of the Grand Mosque in Mecca in 1979 is a seminal event in the evolution of Islamist terrorism. Yet the seizure is mostly a footnote in contemporary history. It shouldnt be. The Grand Mosque in Mecca is a massive, 7-acre compound that can accommodate some 1 million worshippers at any one time, especially during the annual hajj, the pilgrimage to Mecca centered on circling the sacred Kaaba in the heart of the Grand Mosque. The marble mosque in its current shape is the result of a 20-year, $18 billion renovation project began in 1953 by the House of Saud, the ruling monarchy in Saudi Arabia, which considers itself the guardian and custodian of the Arab Peninsula’s holiest sites, the Grand Mosque topmost among them. The monarchy’s contractor of choice was the Saudi Bin Laden Group, led by the man who in 1957, became the father of Osama bin Laden. The Grand Mosque, however, first came to wide Western attention on November 20, 1979. Coffins as Weapons Cache: Seizure of the Grand Mosque At 5 that morning, the final day of the hajj, Sheikh Mohammed al-Subayil, imam of the Grand Mosque, was preparing to address 50,000 worshipers through a microphone inside the mosque. Among the worshipers, what looked like mourners bearing coffins on their shoulders and wearing headbands made their way through the crowd. It wasnt an unusual sight. Mourners often brought their dead for a blessing at the mosque. But they had no mourning in mind. Sheikh Mohammed al-Subayil was shoved aside by men who took machine guns from beneath their robes, fired them in the air and at a few policemen nearby, and yelled to the crowd that â€Å"The Mahdi has appeared!† Mahdi is the Arabic word for messiah. The mourners set their coffins down, opened them up, and produced an arsenal of weaponry that they then brandished and fired at the crowd. That was only part of their arsenal. An Attempted Overthrow by a Would-Be Messiah The attack was led by Juhayman al-Oteibi, a fundamentalist preacher and former member of the Saudi National Guard, and Mohammed Abdullah al-Qahtani, who claimed to be the Mahdi. The two men openly called for a revolt against the Saudi monarchy, accusing it of having betrayed Islamic principles and sold out to western countries. The militants, who numbered close to 500, were well armed, their weapons, in addition to their coffin arsenal, having been stashed gradually in the days and weeks before the assault in small chambers beneath the Mosque. They were prepared to lay siege to the mosque for a long time. The siege lasted two weeks, though it did not end before a bloodbath in underground chambers where militants had retreated with hundreds of hostagesand bloody repercussions in Pakistan and Iran. In Pakistan, a mob of Islamist students enraged by a false report that the United States was behind the mosque seizure, attacked the American embassy in Islamabad and killed two Americans. Irans Ayatollah Khomeini called the attack and the murders a great joy, and also blamed the seizure on the United States and Israel. In Mecca, Saudi authorities considered attacking the hold-outs without regard for the hostages. Instead, Prince Turki, the youngest son of King Faisal and the man in charge of reclaiming the Grand Mosque, summoned a French secret service officer, Count Claude Alexandre de Marenches, who recommended that the hold-outs be gassed unconscious. Indiscriminate Killing As Lawrence Wright describes it in The Looming Tower: Al-Qaeda and the Road to 9/11, A team of three French commandos from the Groupe d’Intervention de la Gendarmerie Nationale (GIGN) arrived in Mecca. Because of the prohibition against non-Muslims entering the holy city, they converted to Islam in a brief, formal ceremony. The commandos pumped gas into the underground chambers, but perhaps because the rooms were so bafflingly interconnected, the gas failed and the resistance continued.With casualties climbing, Saudi forces drilled holes into the courtyard and dropped grenades into the rooms below, indiscriminately killing many hostages but driving the remaining rebels into more open areas where they could be picked off by sharpshooters. More than two weeks after the assault began, the surviving rebels finally surrendered. At dawn on Jan. 9, 1980, in the public squares of eight Saudi cities, including Mecca, 63 Grand Mosque militants were beheaded by sword on orders of the king. Among the condemned, 41 are Saudi, 10 from Egypt, 7 from Yemen (6 of them from what was then South Yemen), 3 from Kuwait, 1 from Iraq and 1 from the Sudan. Saudi authorities report that 117 militants died as a result of the siege, 87 during the fighting, 27 in hospitals. Authorities also noted that 19 militants received death sentences that were later commuted to life in prison. Saudi security forces suffered 127 deaths and 451 wounded. Were the bin Ladens Involved? This much is known: Osama bin Laden would have been 22 at the time of the attack. He would have likely heard Juhayman al-Oteibi preach. The Bin Laden Group was still heavily involved in the renovation of the Grand Mosque: the company’s engineers and workers had open access to the mosque’s grounds, Bin Laden trucks were inside the compound frequently, and bin Laden workers were familiar with the compound’s every recess: they built some of them. It would be a stretch, however, to assume that because the bin Ladens were involved in construction, they were also involved in the attack. What’s also known is that the company shared all maps and layouts they had of the mosque with authorities to facilitate the Saudi Special Forces’ counter-attack. It would not have been in the bin Laden Group’s interest, enriched as it had become almost exclusively through Saudi government contracts, to aid the regime’s opponents. Just as certainly, what Juhayman al-Oteibi and the â€Å"Mahdi† were preaching, advocating and rebelling against is almost word for word, eye for an eye, what Osama bin Laden would preach and advocate subsequently. The Grand Mosque takeover was not an al-Qaeda operation by any means. But it would become an inspiration, and a stepping stone, to al-Qaeda less than a decade and a half later.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

The Weimar Cinema Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

The Weimar Cinema - Essay Example From this study it is clear that  during the era of the Weimar cinema, there was experienced stylistic, economic and cultural transformation in the film industry of Germany. Isenberg’s quote is highly relevant as it higlights the various aspects in which the Weimar cinema impacted on the film industry in Germany. The economic, cultural and stylistic changes encountered at the time have had a profound effect on the history of cinema as practiced in Germany. The Germany film industry in the present day has been thoroughly influenced by the establishments of the Weimar cinema, whose influence is evident in the modern making of films.This report highlights that  The Weimar cinema occurred during the Golden Age of cinema that notably was the silent era of filmmaking in Germany and elsewhere in the world. While the modern day production of films in Germany has advanced tremendously following the technological developments, a lot of credit goes to the Weimar cinema for such advan cement. â€Å"During the Weimar cinema period in Germany, an exceptional variety and number of films were released on various themes that have continued dominating the film industry in Germany and internationally†.  Isenberg’s views are significantly important in pointing to the contuinity of thematic issues in the modern time of filmography as was during the Weimer cinema.  The Weimar cinematography was fundamentally inspired by the sordid politics that surrounded the aftermath of the World War I.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

The Gospels--Mark Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

The Gospels--Mark - Research Paper Example According to the Old Testament Elijah and Moses never died but they were taken by God. They dwell in the heaven with God and interact with Jesus, who will also soon be taken by God to his holy place. The three servants of God – Elijah, Moses and Jesus symbolized the defeat of death by people who are faithful to God. The account of the transfiguration of Jesus in the mountain signifies that Jesus is the son of God, a faithful servant of God, a prophet and a messiah. When the three disciples – Peter, James and John came down from the mountain with Jesus, he gave them the instructions not to reveal what had happened in the mountain. This restriction of revelation can be connected to the fact that the Gospel is yet to come and is not completed at that time.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The transfiguration of Jesus on the mountain is significant in so many ways† (Lane). It first of all signifies the fact that people who are faithful to God will continue to live forever. It also exemplifies the power and abilities of God and that God never abandons his follower. This Chapter is an important part in the bible as it demonstrate the power of God and illustrates the need of a good Christian to learn to listen to Jesus and that all events and people points towards God. The imagery and the insights also give us the kingdom which is to come and the glory of the kingdom. It also tells gives us glimpse of the future kingdom come and it also signifies that God takes care of people who are his faithful follower by giving them a place in heaven after life here on earth. This verse demonstrates the power of God and how God’s abilities far exceed our human abilities.    The bible is the holy book for the Christian people and it is the collection of a primary religious text of Christianity. The Bible is an account of the work of God. It describes the origin and men, how they fall into sins and how would restore mankinds relationship with God. The bible is

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Would Theodicy work Essay Example for Free

Would Theodicy work Essay A. J Ayer argues that human actions are so because of already preexisting factors in their lives but not as a result of their own free will. He maps these already existing factors such as feelings and past experiences which he calls casual laws as the one that makes people to be who they are. He defends his argument of on the basis that determinism and freewill co-exist in relation when a human behavior is being executed. His definition of free will is that it is the absence of any constraint and thus argues that although people usually are compelled to behave in a certain manner by these casual laws, they remain responsible for their actions since they are not constrained to the choices (Ayer). Theodicy How should evil be viewed in the presence on an omnipotent God who is all good? Could the evil-that which is not good- be from the same God that is all good? How could the all good God ‘create’ if not create then ‘allow’ evil? One could question if it is not him who has created evil, then do his creatures have the potential to create evil? If so, did He create this potential of creating evil in them? If He did why didn’t he create the absolute power in them not to do evil? People are considered to be doing evil based on the choices that they make. The argument is based on the presence of free will on human beings, that is one is absolutely free (without external compulsion) to act in a certain manner. But Ayer does not see it all in this light. He believes that determinism and free will are compatible. To him free will can only be regarded as free if ones actions could have been different and thus because of the chosen cause of action, one is held responsible for his/her actions. He also pointed out that the agent could have been bound to act otherwise if the action motivators were different. But the conditions being as they were for him or her, then the individual acted as he/she did. His argument is that if there happens to be any causal determinism, then it is not possible for the action to be driven by free will. He believes that ones free will is acknowledged, it remains no longer to be free will since to his view, free will should be in the unconscious. He gives an example such as, when one says â€Å"I’m acting on free will†, the person ceases to be acting on free will. He identifies this situation as one which has now already been determined. He views that people’s use of the term free will is on ordinary sense. He believes that the term freedom needs not to be linked to the meaning and term causality but to constraints. An example is when a man does take some actions at gun point not because they want but because they have been compelled to do it, (Ayer). Another example is that of Kleptomaniac who are not free agents. Unlike a regular thief would do, their minds do not let them decide to steal. Ayer yet gives another example of compulsion neurosis. He says if in such an instance he happens to wake up and walk around the room whether he wants it or not or he has been compelled by someone to do so, then he would not be acting freely. But Ayer argues that if he did it on his own, then it would be free action. For him he held that when it comes to constraints, some generalizations could be made on human behavior, (Hick). He holds that suffering as a child affects ones behavior as an adult. But if this behavior happens to be altered by something that happens in the course of life, then the person is not acting under constraint. An example he gives is a man who decides to forever avoid serious relationship because of having been cheated by a woman in a previous relationship. In this instance the man is conditioned by fear of being hurt and thus is not acting on free will. But the man in question would not agree that his decision is not on free will because he believes that the choice he made was not the only one. This is Ayer’s definition of free will, that is choosing to do something where there were other possibilities of choice even though there could have been a possibility of casual laws. A clear observation of Ayers argument on determinism and free will is that he has attempted to turn free will into that which is not. It should be noted that free will is not simply defined as lack of constraint. A choice that has been made by the virtual of causal necessity cannot be regarded to be more free than the one that is made under logical necessity. Out of this erroneous definition of freewill, Ayer could not be held right on his argument of moral responsibility. Peoples actions are products of numerous causal laws and are thus still being compelled to act in certain manner unlike his view of people being held responsible for their actions because they have acted on free will, (Hick). Conclusion Its common to ask if God is the author of sin and evil in our world. The view of a God who created moral beings and at the same time left them to this probationary economy with the absolute knowledge that they will absolutely fall may seam to be one that could justify theodicy. If the all good God cannot create evil, then the only way that the evil can be looked at it is that is a predestination of a greater glorious good. The attainment of the perceived good may not be because that God is lacking in power to have it without evil but it could be because the glorious end requires sin itself. If this is the case then, the argument that God is the author of sin cannot hold for this reason that if the evil does take place because of his permission, it is not because it the end of the process but rather a part of a process towards the real ‘end’ -omnipotent and ‘all goodness’- which in short is back to God. God cannot thus be the author of evil but rather evil can be regarded as the part of that process that is towards all good. If God permits it then, it is not to the denial of Himself, the all good, but an affirmation that He is all good since everything, even evil leads all back to Him.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

The Military Commander in Othello Essay -- Othello essays

The Military Commander in Othello  Ã‚        Ã‚  Ã‚   The character of the general in William Shakespeare’s tragic drama Othello is quite noble, although plagued by the shortcoming or weakness of gullibility. Let us in this essay look at all the features, both good and bad. of this ill-fated hero.    David Bevington in William Shakespeare: Four Tragedies describes many fine virtues which reside within the general:    Othello’s blackness, like that of the natives dwelling in heathen lands, could betoken to Elizabethan audiences an innocent proneness to accept Christianity, and Othello is one who has already embraced the Christian faith. His first appearance onstage, when he confronts a party of torch-bearing men coming to arrest him and bids his followers sheathe their swords, is sufficiently reminiscent of Christ’s arrest in the Garden of Gethsemane to convey a fleeting comparison between Othello and the Christian God whose charity and forbearance he seeks to emulate. Othello’s blackness may be used in part as an emblem of fallen man, but so are we all fallen. His age similarly strengthens our impression of his wisdom, restraint, leadership. (220)    Is it his â€Å"gullibility† which leads to his downfall? Morton W. Bloomfield and Robert C. Elliott   in Great Plays: Sophocles to Brecht posit the â€Å"lack of insight† of the hero as the cause of his tragic fall:    Othello’s lack of insight, cunningly played upon by Iago, leads to his downfall. And as the full enormity of his deed dawns upon him in the great scene of tragic self-revelation at the end, the audience may perhaps experience catharsis, that purgation of the soul brought about by an almost unbearable pity for him and his victims, and by terror at what human... ...han all his tribe [. . .] .† He dies a noble death, just as he has lived a noble life. Michael Cassio’s evaluation of his end is our evaluation: â€Å"This did I fear, but thought he had no weapon; / For he was great of heart.†       WORKS CITED    Bevington, David, ed. William Shakespeare: Four Tragedies. New York: Bantam Books, 1980.    Bloomfield, Morton W. and Robert C. Elliott, ed. Great Plays: Sophocles to Brecht. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc., 1965.    Coles, Blanche. Shakespeare’s Four Giants. Rindge, New Hampshire: Richard Smith Publisher, 1957.    Jorgensen, Paul A. William Shakespeare: The Tragedies. Boston: Twayne Publishers, 1985.    Shakespeare, William. Othello. In The Electric Shakespeare. Princeton University. 1996. No line nos.   

Monday, November 11, 2019

Black Boy Essay

This novel focuses on the struggle for identity of a young black boy in the Deep South. It is a powerful testament of Richard Wright’s life which depicts a tale of hope and determination. Richard’s life growing up as an African American in the Jim Crow South, paints for the reader the economic and social struggle that were cliched for African Americans at the time. It follows young Richard through his youth, examining the hardships and obstacles faced by both him and his poverty-stricken family. Richard’s only thought is to find a haven outside the prison that is his family’s circumstances. Black Boy also shows a hunger in Richard not just for food but for acceptance, love and a sense of understanding about what is happening around him but most importantly he is seeking knowledge. Richard uses writing to explore and expand his mind but Richard discovers through an epiphany that writing will help him break out from the constraining worlds of racism, poverty and family. Throughout his life, Richard faces the need for a loving family to help and encourage him, but his family in a way, unknowingly help to form his independence. Richard’s family was unable to provide what a family is normally supposed to, which was love, acceptance, and security. Throughout his youth, he faced the need to be independent. Richard’s father was a terrible example to Richard of how an African-American man should act in the struggle of being black by drinking and womanizing. Richard’s mother was his true example and taught him how to carry himself. Richard’s Mother made him have to fight back whenever he felt that people were being unreasonable towards him. A prime example of this was when he is jumped and the grocery shopping money is constantly being taken from him, his mother just gives him a stick and gives him these words ‘‘If these boys bother you, then fight. † She does this only to make him strong and independent because she believes that this is only way not to be eaten up by the world. The social difference between African Americans and Caucasian society is quite evident in the book. Richard is continuously beaten both bodily and emotionally by white people who feel a sense of superiority being they are White and feel they have the born right to this black boy like nobody. The Novel gives a vivid depiction of this harsh treatment. Wright receives a job working at an optical shop in Jackson, and he is excited to learn all about the craft, there are two white men who are working there and refuse to teach him the craft. They harass Wright into hopes for him to leave the job by threatening him with physical violence and trying to break his pride of being an African American ‘Nigger you think you’ll ever amount to anything? If I was a nigger, I’d kill myself. † The two men torture Richard for their own personal enjoyment until they take it too far and almost kill him after that he quickly leaves the job. Ironically Wright meets he meets the first white man who has ever shown an ounce of a heart. This man is Mr. Crane, the owner of the optical shop. Mr. Crane cares deeply for Richard and his struggle, he is able to see Dante Harris African American Culture Book Critique 12/6/2013 Richard as a person unlike most. Richard realizes that there are people specifically white people who do not make colored people out to be an abomination. He himself doesn’t see the difference between white people and black people and doesn’t change the way he acts around either When Richard is very young, the reader can already tell that he is unlike the majority of the other Black boys of his time. He is passionate and yearns to read and write. He is hungry for knowledge and making the world a better place. Wright is never fully accepted even amongst his own people. When he is around other black boys they seem to be in confusion of Wright and he feels the same way towards them. Richard never settles to be normal. When Richard becomes associated with a group of communists, he decides to rebel against them even though he is alone and he knows that they will try and fight him. Instead of being ignorant to their cause Wright does some research for himself to fully understand what they fight for and their goals. The communist do not always accept him, but they do fear his unresolved to change his values. Richard is the independent member of the party, the only one who is willing to share his real thoughts and says what he feels no matter who is around if he feels something is unjust even if he will be by himself in his own corner. Wright’s greatest hunger is for knowledge itself. This drive for wanting to learn and know more is what sets him apart from everyone also causing the distance he has with others. Wright cares not for people but words. Seeking knowledge gives Richard a sense of purpose and direction in his life. This hunger causes him get an immense curiosity in the world. He begins to see his world for what it is but still questioned why, why the racial gap between blacks and whites. At a young age he questioned many adults around him, but never got an answer but rather harsh treatment for asking. He would constantly challenge authority. Wright wanted his knowledge base to grow so that he could answer his own questions. Wright is never given the opportunity to have a decent education. The streets were his only classroom in his life. Eventually he was able to go to public school where he excelled exponential. His family never fully supports him in his journey and make his studies difficult. Wright flees to Memphis where meets a Jewish man who helps him to continue his education by giving him his library card. Wright takes full advantage of this and opens every book he can. Wright begins to develop a new understanding of the world and what it takes to have a better life. In conclusion, Richard becomes independent from a very young age. He realizes that he cannot always rely on other people. Richard learns to be on his own needing no one as no one could help him or understand him. The reason wright chose to call this book black boy was because from the way he was raised and his experience made him think of himself as nothing more than a black boy. The word boy was used by southern whites to say that black men were unable to grow and mature. In this novel we see Wright break out of that prison and grow into manhood and surpass those around even at a young age. This novel gives the true depiction of the struggle African Americans in this time but.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Stages of Critical Thinking

Stages of critical thinkingHow to move to the next stageObstacles to moving to the next stage EXAMPLE: The Unreflective ThinkerExamine my thinking to identify problems that affect my thinking. Deceiving myself about the effectiveness of my thinking The Challenged ThinkerFiguring out that my thinking is causing me serious problems. Realizing that my thinking is not as perfect as I believe and develop awareness of how thinking operates for good or bad. The Beginning ThinkerMaking attempts to better understand how I can take charge of and improve my thinking.Recognizing and changing the problems in my thinking to and ways to develop as a thinker. The Practicing ThinkerActively analyzing my thinking in a number of ways. Develop awareness of the need for systematic practice in thinking. The Advance ThinkerHaving significant insight to problems at the deeper levels of thought. Developing understanding for systematic practice thinking and insight to deep levels of problem in thought, consis tent recognition. The Accomplished ThinkerContinually monitoring, revising and rethinking strategies for continual improvement in my thinking.To make the highest levels of critical thinking intuitive in every part of my life. Write a 150- to 200-word explanation of your current stage of critical-thinking development and explain why you placed yourself at that stage. Format your paragraph consistent with Associate Level Writing Style Handbook guidelines. Strategies to Develop Critical Thinking Now that you identified your current stage as a critical thinker, it is necessary to adopt strategies to develop your thinking. Of the nine strategies you read about this week, choose three that you can begin to practice.Identify the strategies and describe how you can implement each strategy in your daily life. EXAMPLE Strategy: Deal with my emotions. Implementation Plan: When I am faced with a decision, I will examine the positive and negative emotions associated with my decision. This will h elp me limit the influence of my emotions on my decisions. Strategy 1: Reshaping your character Implementation Plan: When having a discussion I need to be more open minded to other ideas. I tend to assume I know better than some people and will dismiss their ideas as good before I even hear them out to make an educated decision.Strategy 2:Analyze group influence Implementation Plan: It is easy to get caught up in a group decision and have to deal with group speak (for lack of a less political term) regardless of what the situation is. Having a better stance or backbone to make the right decision against the popular decision is imperative to good critical thinking. Strategy 3: Redefine the way I see things. Implementation Plan: I see things that are always my way. I need to open up and look at it in someone’s perspective. I need to be able to see it in someone’s eyes so I know what it feels like.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Write Sarahs account of her relationship with Billy Prior Essay Example

Write Sarahs account of her relationship with Billy Prior Essay Example Write Sarahs account of her relationship with Billy Prior Paper Write Sarahs account of her relationship with Billy Prior Paper Write Sarahs account of her relationship with Billy Prior. You should aim to create and authentic voice of Sarah, which builds on Barkers presentation of her character and captures aspects of the written chosen form, structure and language. This bloody train, how can it possibly take so long to get it movingAnd crowds! I just hate them! The constant crying of that baby just seems to irritate every nerve in my body, is it so difficult to satisfy a child, and keep it quiet!? This sickening feeling of being cramped up against bodies is beginning to make me feel as though I just walked back into that awfully retained hospital once again. And that revolting smell of body sweat, from the old man who was just inches away from, physical contact. Well. At least I managed, half suffocated and completely exhausted to spare myself a seat, squeezing me through the little space provided; I practically dragged myself into the nearest seat. Now having a space of my own after, finally catching my breath. Thankfully the trains finally moving, only realizing through the sudden knock of the track; and the clouds of black smoke that continuously belched into the sky. I sat surprisingly relieved, gazed out of the steamed window, searching for desperate need of help. Just as I felt the thought of Billy slip away from my mind; the depressed storm bellowed outside and I just couldnt help but think about our delightful adventurous day out, all the wonderful momentsThe beach, our own little trip up to the forest, and his sneaky venture up to my room. Ha, ha, he does make me laugh; showing his eagerness to climb up into the window, standing there pulling all the faces that you could possibly think of. Not realizing that I had laughed aloud and being stared at suspiciously by others that surrounded me. Yet I could not help restricting myself from the thought of Billys face, as he dragged himself up to my window; his cheeky face steadily modifying its color, putting that great smile back on my face. It was just like romeo and juliet. Except Romeo isnt such a War leaching person, its a shame really. When Billy and I met one another it made me feel like I actually exist in this world. He made me feel like I should appreciate myself. Hes such a polite, young gentle man. A bit forceful though, an I like it this way kind of man. He was ever so polite to me, hed given me a sense of sensitivity and warmth, and Ive never felt anything like it before. He made me feel secure, I felt like he had been another chance for me to put myself back on track; after what happened, I dont think I could accept another death in my life. But my attempts to persuade Mam didnt work. She couldnt accept the fact that I had found someone new in my life. I couldnt even convince her to say hello. It hadnt been such a good idea to have taken him to see Mam. Its not like she helped the situation anyway, that malicious woman! Theres nothing nothing thats she ever approves of me for. She just sat there goading him along like a bull! I really dont think that I could ever forgive her, not even if I tried! Who does she think she is!? She sits there with her cup of tea and rambles on about how theres no such thing as true love Judging him before shes even introduced to him, let alone knowing who he is! I knew it! I just knew that I shouldnt have taken him to see her! Yet he was so eager to see her, what must he think of me now? How could I be so selfish! I dont even know where he went; I just left him, my frustration just seeded through my veins, Just thinking how offensive Mam was, it just made me tremble all over the place. The fury in her eyes, her soft voice suddenly transformed to a shameful deepened tone. I couldnt bare to think how Prior must have felt. I feel ever so sorry for him. What must he be thinking? I continued contemplating about Billy, predicting how he must be so furious at me; whether he still wants me; what hell say to me when I see him. That is, if I see him. The train came to a sudden halt, only to continue this ghastly screeching sound as we approached yet another, wet, busy station; which predictably encouraged the baby to scream even louder. Its making my head ache, almost feeling although it was about to explode, into tiny little molecules. I was beginning to wonder whether Well. Can I actually handle the fact that Billy is ill? I mean. Well, Ive seen what hes like when he gets these horrifying nightmares. He cant control himself! His almost like another person. I dont think I could even possibly consider bringing my children up around something like that, and then theres his asthma attacks, he just doesnt know how to control it. Hes longing to get himself back to that godforsaken place to that pointless war out front. His illness is getting more severe by the day, and he just doesnt see it. I couldnt bear to handle the thought of bringing up his children while hes out there! Its suicideHe just doesnt understand it! He doesnt seem to appreciate what already has. When I come to think about it, maybe I shouldnt have been so harsh on Mam sometimes I understand why she was being so protective. I shouldnt have confronted her. Everything shes done for me, shes virtually saved my life. Keeping me inside all those nights away from them mean men. She was strict. Yes. Of cause, why wouldnt she be? But I see now. I see that I needed a mother like her, and that I took advantage of it all. I should be proud to have a mam like her. How do I know what true love is?Its not like Ive ever had the satisfaction of the true experience, is it?! Im just that typical, young, working class girl, living on her own, no children, no life, nothing! Just little,Sarah Lumb, the working class munition-ette worker! It isnt that bad is it? At least I dont go out wandering into a war, like young Billy wanting to get myself killed! Look at all them poor souls at Craiglockhart! Its dreadful to see so many, innocent, young men have half of their bodies blown to pieces! Just the thought of it makes we quiver. Its horrible. And yet, there you get people like these, sitting on the train; socializing, laughing along to pathetic, hideous jokes; its like lifes a fun, colorful game for them, strolling around like theres nothing happening! I just wish I could do something! Anything! I dont understand how life can still go on for these people, I know mine has long gone; the moment I left Billy. Ok. I know how silly it was of me to start rowing with Billy, but he brought it on himself, and seemed the right decision at the time. So I left, at that moment I felt his eyes follow me, as I left the house; I could see his shocked impression through the reflection of the mirror. I continued, not knowing where I was going. And here I am. I dont actually know where he is now, nor how hes going to get back. That is if he does decide to come back.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Letter from a Birmingham Jail [King, Jr.] 16 April 1963 Essay

Letter from a Birmingham Jail [King, Jr.] 16 April 1963 - Essay Example â€Å"Seldom do I pause to answer criticism of my work and ideas. If I sought to answer all the criticisms that cross my desk, my secretaries would have little time for anything other than such correspondence in the course of the day, and I would have no time for constructive work. But since I feel that you are men of genuine goodwill and that your criticisms are sincerely set forth, I want to try to answer your statements in what I hope will be patient and reasonable terms.† (2- 6). Marting Luther King Jr. was such a highly respected man of his time that his name left people with a strong sense of logic and emotional appeal . This can clearly be seen as he argues his logos that we must â€Å"... consider a more concrete example of just and unjust laws. An unjust law is a code that a numerical or power majority group compels a minority group to obey but does not make binding on itself. This is difference made legal. By the same token, a just law is a code that a majority compels a minority to follow and that it is willing to follow itself. This is sameness made equal.†(161-162). His emotional pleas in the letter use pathos as he addressed the Birmingham police force and their use of force when keeping peace and order in the city. By discussing the mistakes of the police officers during the protest rallies, he asks the public and the clergymen to rethink their position about the effectiveness of the police action. He asks, â€Å"I doubt that you would so quickly commend the policemen if you were to observe their ugly and inhumane treatment of Negroes here in the city jail; if you were to watch them push and curse old Negro women and young Negro girls; if you were to see them slap and kick old Negro men and young boys; if you were to observe them, as they did on two occasions, refuse to give us food because we wanted to sing our grace together. I cannot join you in your

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Video critique Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Video critique - Assignment Example stand why these drug cartels spend large sums of money in hiring huge numbers of men and buying weapons that would help to safeguard the drugs, the reporter highlights the economic value the drugs have to the cartels. It is estimated that the drug lords amass billions of dollars every year from drug trafficking. The reporter mentions the role that the police department plays in trying to deal with gangs in the country. Police use either excessive force or are reluctant to fight the drug scourge, and this is well-detailed in the documentary. Some interviewers reveal that police are reluctant to assist in cases involving the citizens and the different gangs, and this has led to a lot of suffering to families whose relatives are innocently murdered by the gangs. One of the strengths possessed by the video is that the reporter has tried obtaining information from the key players in the drug syndicate, which is the police, citizens and some drug dealers. Going to the mountainous parts of the country where the drugs are planted with army troops is also a strength of the video as from it; an individual can tell how dangerous it is for people to access the place. Any information given by the common person is the most reliable as they represent the whole society and the reporter’s decision to interview the local people is a strength of the video. From the interviews, it is clear that the financial gain is the main reason people get into the drug syndicate. A major limitation of the video is the reporter’s choice to concentrate only on one town where the drug lord is highly respected and loved. The drug lord either buys or threatens the people of the city and this makes them become very loyal to him and his group members. It would have been better for the reporter to go to the other towns and cities that are not run financially with money got from the drug business as people may not be speaking so highly of the drug lord. It is easy for an individual to discern that